A Red, White, and Bluegill T-Shirt or an American Trout T-Shirt (winner gets to choose) is up for grabs on Sunday to celebrate the 4th of July! We’ll also be giving away a few Trout Names and Fly Fishing Love stickers to a few lucky participants. To try your luck at this giveaway, you can enter the drawing the following ways:
- Facebook – Like us on Facebook, then comment on and share our contest photo telling us which shirt you’ll choose if you win.
- Instagram – Follow @theflytrout, then post a fly fishing or patriotic picture and include @theflytrout #redwhiteandfly in the caption.
- Twitter – Follow @theflytrout and tweet the following: I just entered the All-American Giveaway from the @theflytrout http://theflytrout.com/2013/07/all-american-giveaway/ #TheFlyTrout
- Newsletter Sign Up – Sign up for our fly newsletter below.
Official Rules
Entries taken between July 3rd-6th, 2013
Winners announced July 7th, 2013
After many entries via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Newsletter Signup we have drawn some winners!
GRAND PRIZE (Patriotic shirt of your choice):
Cory, please email me (joe@theflytrout.com) with your shirt choice, size and address and I will get your shirt printed and shipped!
RUNNERS UP (Fly Fishing Love or Trout Names sticker pack, your choice):
ecudaniel14 (from Instagram)
@donfishin (from Twitter)
Daniel Seaman (from Facebook)
Tom Brimer (From Newsletter)
If you are one of the sticker winners, please email me (joe@theflytrout.com) with your address and choice of sticker pack and I will send you your prize!
Thanks to everyone who entered the giveway. If you didn’t win and would like one of the shirts or sticker packs check out our shop. Keep posted for more giveaways, new shirts and other cool stuff! Stay fly.
Love that Gills a getting respect.
congrats to the winners!!!