You’ve heard the phrase “stop and smell the roses” I’m sure. I’ve got a new phrase for you, “stop and have a beer.” Saturday I was able to spend a good part of the day at one my favorite places to fish, Cheesman Canyon. When fishing in the canyon you’ve got to hike in a ways before you can get your line wet. We had planned on hiking for an hour and a half, but 45 minutes in we came upon a calm pool with several rising trout and had no choice but to stop. I got my rod set up, had a breakfast beer, and after few casts I had my first fish on. The perfect start to a great day on the river. Sometimes it pays to stop and have a beer. Stay Fly.
Stopped to have a breakfast beer…
…then caught a nice brown.
Got to try out my early birthday present.
This dude needs to put on a little weight.