Fly Tyers
To win the Fly Tying Club t-shirt we will be having a vote for the best fly tying related picture. It can be one of your sweet flies or maybe your buddy’s fly tying work station. Just be creative. Fly tyers can enter the contest by sending your fly tying related pictures to joe@theflytrout.com or uploading your image using the uploader below.
To win the Fly Tying Club t-shirt we will be having a vote for the best fly tying related picture. It can be one of your sweet flies or maybe your buddy’s fly tying work station. Just be creative. Fly tyers can enter the contest by sending your fly tying related pictures to joe@theflytrout.com or uploading your image using the uploader below.
Voting is over and the winner is Bobby Sanville. Congrats Bobby! You can check out all the entries below if you like or see what’s available in the Fly T-Shirt Shop.
Fly Voters
If you aren’t a fly tyer or don’t have access to take a picture of one you can win the Fly Paracord Bracelet and Sticker. Just vote on the pictures below and then let us know you voted by liking us on facebook then sharing and commenting “I voted” on our facebook contest post.
If you aren’t a fly tyer or don’t have access to take a picture of one you can win the Fly Paracord Bracelet and Sticker. Just vote on the pictures below and then let us know you voted by liking us on facebook then sharing and commenting “I voted” on our facebook contest post.
The winner of the drawing is Clayton Bedwell. Congrats Clayton!
In the event of a tie. I will have this guy choose his favorite picture.
Fly Pictures
Contest is now over, but thanks for all the photos and all the votes!
Contest is now over, but thanks for all the photos and all the votes!