A few weekends ago my buddy Esteban and I decided to go on a short backpacking trip in the Lost Creek Wilderness in Colorado. This area is pretty popular because it’s not too far from Denver and there is an abundance of hiking trails. The plan was to get up early, drive to the trail head, hike until we found a good spot to set up camp, then fish the creek the rest of the day. The plan was going flawlessly until the rains came. Luckily the rain didn’t come until the afternoon giving us a few hours of fast and furious dry fly action. Those little brookies were slammin’ our dries on what seemed like every cast. Even though we didn’t get to fish as much much as I would have liked it was a great time being out in the wilderness. Check out some of the pictures from the trip. Stay fly.
Esteban at the trailhead.
Me at the trailhead.
The Lost Creek Valley
Gettin ready to rips some lips.
Big hopper, little brookie
Sweet colors on these little guys
Fire stayed lit even in the rain.