Last year on Valentine’s Day I wrote about how I love trout. While that remains true, I would like to expand my love for trout to other fish and fly fishing in general. I decided to come with a shirt design to show my love for fly fishing to be ready for this special day of love. At first I tried to create one that was similar to the “I Heart NY” style, but instead of the heart it was the Fly Trout logo and instead of NY it said fly fishing. The completed design read “I The Fly Trout Fly Fishing.” I went through all the steps creating the film, burning the screen and then printing a sample. And after all was said and done I didn’t like it. So back to the drawing board.
I thought long and hard about what people do when they love something and the light bulb went off. They get tattoos! Now to come up with a cool tattoo style design. I decided on a traditional “Mom” style tattoo. You know, the kind with the word MOM on top of a heart and sometimes other cool stuff around the heart. I mean that is “the” tattoo to get when you want to show your love for your mom, so it’s the way I wanted to show my love for fly fishing! Below you can see the finished product. Stay Fly.