I have been wanting to hit up the Deckers area of the South Platte River during the week to avoid the masses. And Thursday my buddy Jason and I did just that. We both skipped out on work to fish and what a great spring-like day it was. The weather was great and I was able to show off one of our shirts to the trout. From what I could tell I think they liked the newest addition. I mean how could they not? It was created in their honor!
As far as the fishing went, I was only able to land three. But considering the low water I was pretty happy with that. I was also quite happy to hook up with a couple on top. You gotta love some spring dry fly action! Jason, sadly still has the taste of skunk in his mouth. If you have read any other of my blog posts when we’ve fished together, you know that he is not much of a fly fisherman and has been doing well with lures. Thursday those trout weren’t interested in his Rapala. He did make the smart move and switch up to the fly rod, but his only good chance at landing a fish ended with him setting the hook a little too hard. That actually is an understatement. It was the end of the day, he got a little excited and set that hook as though he had a Great White hitting his fly! Hopefully he will do some more fly fishing and learn to be a little more gentle. Here are some shots from the day. Stay Fly.