Things start getting a little spooky this time of year, including the trout. So why not have a spooky giveaway! We’re giving away one SPOOKY TROUT T-Shirt, one TROUT NAMES Trucker Hat, a couple BREAKFAST BEER Koozies, and a few FLY FISHING LOVE Stickers. Entries will be taken through Sunday and the winners will be announced on Monday. Make sure to check back here Monday to see if you won. To try your luck at this giveaway, you can enter the drawing the following ways:
- Instagram – Follow @theflytrout, then post a NEW fly fishing related picture and include @theflytrout #spookytroutgiveaway in the caption.
- Twitter – Follow @theflytrout and tweet the following: I just entered the SPOOKY TROUT GIVEAWAY from the @theflytrout http://theflytrout.com/2014/10/spooky-giveaway/ #spookytroutgiveaway
- Facebook – Like us on Facebook, then like and share our contest photo.
- Newsletter Sign Up – Sign up for our fly newsletter below.
Official Rules
Entries taken between October 9th-12th, 2014
Winners announced October 13th, 2014
After many entries via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Newsletter Signup we have drawn some winners!
Jim Kammel (Facebook)
Jim, please email joe@theflytrout.com with your shirt size and address and I will get your shirt printed and shipped!
Jessi Condon (newsletter)
Kliness DeButy (newsletter)
@jessprawle (instagram)
@paddylang (twitter)
Thomas Murrone (facebook)
Jesse Tipton (facebook)
Hat, koozie and sticker winners, please email joe@theflytrout.com with your address and I will send you your prize!
Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway. If you didn’t win and would like a shirt, hat, or koozie check out our shop. Keep on the lookout for more giveaways, new shirts and other cool stuff! Stay fly.